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The lighting quality of museums and art galleries needs to be improved

The lighting of Museum and art gallery is different from that of desolate lighting place. It should not only meet the requirements of audience's viewing comfort, but also consider the protection of cultural relics. Lighting manufacturers should not design and produce at will. They should have a certain degree of assurance. They should not give full play to their subjective consciousness and artistic creation. They should not use pure artistic expression at the cost of damaging cultural relics. This is the biggest difference between the lighting of museums and art museums and other venues.


With the free opening policy of museums and art galleries, the threshold gradually moves from the minority to the public, especially on major festivals, winter and summer holidays every year, there will be long queues of visitors to museums and art galleries. Due to the influx of ordinary audience, the museum lighting is not only to protect the exhibits, but also to ensure the audience's visual comfort, safety factors and sensory needs.

Therefore, it is difficult to ensure the lighting efficiency and that the light will not damage the exhibits. Although the LED light source is a cold light source, and the damage to the exhibits and paintings is much better than the traditional halogen lamp, it is still worried that the long-term use will affect the exhibits. After all, many of these exhibits are made by famous artists, and some of them are representative works of China's 5000 year splendid culture. So in the design and production and ordinary shop lighting is very different.

In our opinion, the lighting design of museums and art museums is a difficult field. Our development is not synchronized with that of foreign museums and art galleries, and the types and forms of exhibits are also different. In the west, the main display forms are optimization and statues. In China, the red theme revolutionary history display and the general history display are very rare in foreign countries. The types of exhibits such as silk, ancient calligraphy and painting, ceramics, bronzes and so on have Chinese characteristics. The number of art museums in foreign countries is far more than that of museums. On the contrary, the number of museums in our country is far more than that of art museums.

High quality lighting for museums and art galleries: first, to meet the first demand for the protection of exhibits; second, Manzhu's demand for the visual comfort of the audience, which should comprehensively reflect the subjective and objective design of the lighting manufacturers for the audience; third, to restore the technical requirements for the color and authenticity of exhibits. Finally, it is emphasized that the lighting of museums and art galleries is called the lighting of light Change. In order to really effectively change the current situation.

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e-mail: sboterlighting@foxmail.com

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